Empowered Patient Blog

Godspeed Healing a Parkour Knee Injury

Godspeed Healing a Parkour Knee Injury

It was an epic fail. The full force of an impact that should have been displaced by two hips, thighs, and legs, was instead taken by only the right lower limb. Limping away, I knew I was out for the night with the full extent of the injury looming as pain radiated from the knee joint.

Why do I always wake around 3AM?

Why do I always wake around 3AM?

There is a frustrating and all too common phenomenon that plagues many a sleeper. It goes something like this: Falling asleep is no problem, but in the early morning hours, one wakes agitated and restless. This can last up to an hour or two before finally falling back asleep. Upon rising is the feeling of being unrested, what we call “non-restorative sleep” in integrative medicine.

Symphonic Health

Symphonic Health

Each person is a unique album of divinely inspired music. Sometimes deep scratches of trauma disturb the quality of the sound, but unlike a fixed vinyl album, the human brain and heart can change, can heal, and once again play the sublime chords of the soul.

Beginner’s Mindset

Beginner’s Mindset

Healing takes time, and it takes the right trajectory. A healing mindset maps the course ahead, providing guidance on treatment options and lifestyle changes that will most effectively help you arrive at your destination of optimal health. Awareness of the obstacles clears that path so you don’t waste time, energy, and money on medical red herrings.

Making Structured, Living Water

Making Structured, Living Water

I’ve become increasingly interested in the nature of water after reading Dr. Tom Cowan’s book Cancer and the New Biology of Water. There is a lot more to water than two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Water is a living, breathing element and there is a substantial difference between stagnant, denatured water and vibrant, nourishing water.

Hypnosis for Stress

Hypnosis for Stress

Hypnosis is a state of consciousness marked by increased awareness and suggestibility. Despite being a favored technique of magicians, illusionists, and mentalists, hypnosis isn’t all that mysterious. A captivating book or movie drives attention to the exclusion of other outside stimuli, and the reader/viewer may experience emotions associated with the characters. That is suggestibility we allow into our experience as an observer.

COVID vs. Cancer: Reflecting on 2020

COVID vs. Cancer: Reflecting on 2020

History teaches that neither side of any extreme is the sole arbiter of truth. No single political party, religion, or economic model can provide all the answers to all people. Thus, we are left with the uncomfortable yet necessary task of practicing tolerance at a minimum, but ideally putting forth effort to expand one’s intellectual and emotional horizons with informed nuance.

Light, Heat, Sweat, and Heal

Light, Heat, Sweat, and Heal

It’s the coldest and darkest time of the year in the northern hemisphere. We celebrate and make merry with the holidays, but the passing of the winter solstice near the end of December reminds us we have a lot of dark winter ahead. Combined with the post-holiday slump, this can be a depressing start of the year for some folks.

The Cure for the Common Cold?

The Cure for the Common Cold?

Cold and flu season is here. Add a pandemic into the mix, and the slightest cough or sniffle results in the sick individual spending several days at home. As this blog has repeatedly pointed out, building resilience in the form of immunity is the ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure in missing work or school.

Yet the coronavirus known as the common cold has eluded a cure for as long as we have been suffering with it. Or has it?

The Promise and Peril of a Coronavirus Vaccine

The Promise and Peril of a Coronavirus Vaccine

Will global governments mandate that every citizen be injected with a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2? Does the greater good outweigh the repercussions of introducing an RNA vaccine into the human gene pool? These are serious questions with critical implications for the future of human health and medical freedom.

Reflux: Too Much or Not Enough Stomach Acid?

Reflux: Too Much or Not Enough Stomach Acid?

If suffering from reflux, don’t settle for a “band-aid” solution and get to the root of the problem. Proton pump inhibitor drugs are appropriate for those who genuinely overproduce gastric acid but were designed for short-term use only. Taking them for years further degrades digestive vigor for someone not producing enough stomach acid. Clean up your diet and try on or more of these natural remedies to reclaim your digestive health and live free of the symptoms of reflux.