
Light, Heat, Sweat, and Heal

It’s the coldest and darkest time of the year in the northern hemisphere. We celebrate and make merry with the holidays, but the passing of the winter solstice near the end of December reminds us we have a lot of dark winter ahead. Combined with the post-holiday slump, this can be a depressing start of the year for some folks.

Burn Away the Winter Blues

It’s winter in Wisconsin. The nights are long, and the days are cold. With the glow of the holidays past, we hunker down for the deep freeze and think warm thoughts of lush gardens and summer days at the beach.

The cold can give rise to stagnancy. We socialize less, aren’t as active, and have the tendency to eat more out of boredom. Many also experience a letdown after the holiday season as the excitement abruptly ends and we return to our normal routine.

Light Therapy: The Power of the Sun in the Palm of Your Hand

Within the earliest traditions of healing you’ll find dietary and herbal therapy, bodywork in various forms, and light therapy. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, recommended exposing the body to sunlight (in sun gardens or solariums) for healing and rejuvenation. Similar modalities can be found throughout many of the world’s ancient civilizations.