Social Medicine

The Anatomy of Power

In the intricate and interwoven systems that govern our world, power structures can be likened to the vital parts of the human body, each playing a crucial role in maintaining the overall function and control of the global order. This analogy helps to illuminate the complex relationships and dependencies among different sectors and how they sustain and perpetuate the current state of affairs.

Medical Reformation

We live in a time where the medical-industrial complex and related regulatory agencies are providing medical indulgences to citizens of the Western world. Rather than lead with education and invest in prevention as a first line of intervention, high-priced drugs and procedures cram the coffers of corporate medicine. If you think this analogy is pure hyperbole, what follows is a small sample of “theses” widely espoused by providers in the integrative and holistic medical community.

Digital Detox for Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Rejuvenation

Are you feeling burnt out on social media or suffering from screen fatigue after a week of online meetings? Do your hands feel cold after hours of typing or get brain fog when working next to a wifi router? If so, it may be time to give your body a break from technology. 

COVID vs. Cancer: Reflecting on 2020

History teaches that neither side of any extreme is the sole arbiter of truth. No single political party, religion, or economic model can provide all the answers to all people. Thus, we are left with the uncomfortable yet necessary task of practicing tolerance at a minimum, but ideally putting forth effort to expand one’s intellectual and emotional horizons with informed nuance.

The Promise and Peril of a Coronavirus Vaccine

Will global governments mandate that every citizen be injected with a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2? Does the greater good outweigh the repercussions of introducing an RNA vaccine into the human gene pool? These are serious questions with critical implications for the future of human health and medical freedom.

The Pros and Cons of Masks

My Facebook feed is an even mix of those questioning the conventional narrative of donning a mask (and practically everything else related to pandemic) and demeaning or self-righteous pleas to get everyone to wear a mask. Dare I say both sides can learn something from...