Nature Medicine
The Difference Between Acupuncture and Dry Needling
Sep 14, 2023
As physiotherapists become increasingly enamored with the modality of dry needling, I feel compelled as an acupuncturist to place this therapy within the broader discipline of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in order to give patients a context for understanding its efficacy.
Let Some Sunshine into Your Anticancer Strategy
Aug 1, 2023
Sunlight is a force that can heal or hurt the body. Media attention on sun exposure focuses on two topics on each side of that polarity: either the benefits of vitamin D synthesis from sun exposure or skin cancer from ultraviolet radiation. There is a significant amount of nuance between those poles that will help clarify your optimal relationship with the sun.
Reflections on ‘Kiss the Ground’
Nov 8, 2022
All life stems from air, earth, and water. We are all literal and metaphorical extensions of the Earth, as manifested as living soil. No matter what ends up on our plate, the components of that meal derive from elemental forces that amalgamate to form the biodiversity of life.
The Contagious Biofield
Oct 9, 2022
As any experienced gardener knows, the health of the soil determines the fate of the planted seed. With COVID-19, it is possible that the activity of the virus is not the root cause of illness and death but a proximate cause. A breakdown in the relationship between our health and our relationship with nature is the true reason so many have fallen ill.
Obeying God Equals Obeying Nature
Feb 16, 2022
What does it mean to obey God regarding health? Is an ethic for living a balanced life detailed in the holy book of each religious tradition? Or does following “God’s law” require a reinterpretation to guide modern-day adherents to be faithful servants of soil and spirit to empower human health?
Godspeed Healing a Parkour Knee Injury
Oct 20, 2021
It was an epic fail. The full force of an impact that should have been displaced by two hips, thighs, and legs, was instead taken by only the right lower limb. Limping away, I knew I was out for the night with the full extent of the injury looming as pain radiated from the knee joint.
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