Empowered Patient Blog
Chocolate’s Dirty Secret: Unveiling the Risks of Lead and Cadmium Contamination
Chocolate has long been a beloved indulgence, bringing joy to millions around the world. However, recent research has highlighted a troubling issue lurking within this sweet treat: the presence of toxic metals, specifically lead and cadmium, which pose significant health risks.
The Hidden Cause of Restless Leg Syndrome
It’s the middle of the night, and I’m lying awake, feeling restless in general, but my legs are particularly troublesome, full of staticky energy. If I weren’t exhausted, I would get out of bed and jog in place, hoping they would settle down. If this scene sounds familiar, you may have experienced the unsettling discomfort of restless leg syndrome (RLS).
Uncovering the Cancer-Trauma Connection (Part 2)
There are many explanations for and descriptions of the origin of cancer, but perhaps the most revealing, is that of a wound that isn’t healing. Implicit in that definition is the understanding that malignancy has a root cause that develops into a chronic imbalance.
The Anatomy of Power
In the intricate and interwoven systems that govern our world, power structures can be likened to the vital parts of the human body, each playing a crucial role in maintaining the overall function and control of the global order. This analogy helps to illuminate the complex relationships and dependencies among different sectors and how they sustain and perpetuate the current state of affairs.
The Plastic Apocalypse
In an age where the convenience of plastic has led to its omnipresence in our daily lives, the unintended consequences of this synthetic marvel have begun to cast long shadows over environmental and public health landscapes. The microscopic fragments known as microplastics and nanoplastics, measuring less than 5mm and 100nm respectively, have infiltrated ecosystems worldwide, from the peaks of mountains to the depths of oceans, and alarmingly, into the very air we breathe and the food we consume.
Scents of Danger: Unveiling the Hidden Health Risks of Air Fresheners
Imagine opening the door to a home filled with the inviting scent of lavender or vanilla, only to realize that this pleasant aroma might mask a hidden danger. Our go-to spray and plug-in products, those little guardians of freshness, could be silently polluting our indoor sanctuary with an array of chemicals like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), phthalates, and synthetic fragrances.
The Cure for Low Back Pain
Low back pain stands as a pervasive affliction, touching the lives of countless individuals worldwide. It is estimated that up to 80% of the population will experience low back pain at some point in their lifetime, underscoring its prevalence as a leading cause of disability and discomfort. Despite its commonality, the conventional treatment for low back pain often falls short of addressing the root cause of the issue.
Debunking You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment
You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment, is a slick, emotionally driven Netflix documentary series positing that two key problems—the degrading health of the human species and ecological destruction—are both addressed by eating less meat.
The Easy Way to Get More Greens in Your Diet
Are you eating these greens on a regular basis? If the answer is no, there is an easier way. All of the plants listed above are crops organically grown on the Standard Process® farm and compose their flagship green powder supplement, SP® Power Mix.
Uncovering the Cancer-Trauma Connection (Part 1)
Conventional medicine prefers to study that which can be neatly categorized. Emotional trauma is messy, nuanced, and requires a holistic approach to wellness. It entails a philosophical shift from the disease affecting the person to a focus on the person experiencing the disease.
The 10 Commandments & Golden Rule of Health
The 10 Commandments of Health Thou shall trust thy body’s innate ability to heal. Thou shall breathe through thy nose. Thou shall not consume genetically modified foods, conventional wheat, or...
Book Review of “Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity”
Attia has distilled his wisdom into an actionable tome on the science and art of longevity. I applaud his integrity and will only offer two contrasting points I wish to make my readers aware of. The first is related to Attia’s approach to cardiovascular disease (CVD), and the second concerns an omission in our understanding of cancer.
The Difference Between Acupuncture and Dry Needling
As physiotherapists become increasingly enamored with the modality of dry needling, I feel compelled as an acupuncturist to place this therapy within the broader discipline of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in order to give patients a context for understanding its efficacy.
Let Some Sunshine into Your Anticancer Strategy
Sunlight is a force that can heal or hurt the body. Media attention on sun exposure focuses on two topics on each side of that polarity: either the benefits of vitamin D synthesis from sun exposure or skin cancer from ultraviolet radiation. There is a significant amount of nuance between those poles that will help clarify your optimal relationship with the sun.
Evaluating Different Breathing Systems
Have you ever thought about actively working to improve your breathing as part of your daily routine? When deciding which system to follow, it’s important to consider how the system might fit your individual needs. Here’s a rundown on the different practices according to their strengths.