Mental Health
Uncovering the Cancer-Trauma Connection (Part 1)
Jan 11, 2024
Conventional medicine prefers to study that which can be neatly categorized. Emotional trauma is messy, nuanced, and requires a holistic approach to wellness. It entails a philosophical shift from the disease affecting the person to a focus on the person experiencing the disease.
Burn Away the Winter Blues
Jan 8, 2018
It’s winter in Wisconsin. The nights are long, and the days are cold. With the glow of the holidays past, we hunker down for the deep freeze and think warm thoughts of lush gardens and summer days at the beach.
The cold can give rise to stagnancy. We socialize less, aren’t as active, and have the tendency to eat more out of boredom. Many also experience a letdown after the holiday season as the excitement abruptly ends and we return to our normal routine.
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