It’s no secret that Americans spend more on healthcare than any other developed nation. In fact, the United States’ per capita healthcare expenditure in 2022 was $12,555, nearly double the average of $6,651 in other high-income nations. Yet despite this substantial investment, Americans are often underutilizing some of the most powerful and accessible self-care practices…
Read MoreIf you’re attempting to establish a new habit, like getting in shape, I recently heard some simple yet profound advice: don’t focus on the specifics of exercise; focus on being the person who shows up at the gym. This may sound odd at first, but there’s a subtle wisdom in that statement. New habits need…
Read MoreIf you look beyond the fear of death and the uncertainty of an unknown future, you will find something even more concerning. At the core of a cancer diagnosis lies a deeper existential anxiety: the dread of not having lived up to one’s potential and purpose.
Read MoreThere are many explanations for and descriptions of the origin of cancer, but perhaps the most revealing, is that of a wound that isn’t healing. Implicit in that definition is the understanding that malignancy has a root cause that develops into a chronic imbalance.
Read MoreLow back pain stands as a pervasive affliction, touching the lives of countless individuals worldwide. It is estimated that up to 80% of the population will experience low back pain at some point in their lifetime, underscoring its prevalence as a leading cause of disability and discomfort. Despite its commonality, the conventional treatment for low back pain often falls short of addressing the root cause of the issue.
Read MoreThe 10 Commandments of Health Thou shall trust thy body’s innate ability to heal. Thou shall breathe through thy nose. Thou shall not consume genetically modified foods, conventional wheat, or industrial seed oils. Thou shall not chew, vape, or inhale the smoke of tobacco (except in sacred ceremonial contexts). Thou shall only drink alcohol and…
Read MoreImagine an AI that can make a detailed analysis of how exposure to this endocrine-disrupting environmental toxicant is interacting with that microbiome-disrupting herbicide, in the context of someone with a certain genetic single-nucleotide polymorphism who is also taking multiple medications.
Read MoreConventional allopathic medicine operates on a split paradigm. The primary medical initiative is to heroically swoop down when disaster strikes. A car accident or heart attack will bring about a quick and decisive intervention. In managed care, it gets a little more gray. Symptom management may take precedence over addressing the root causes of disease, often because they stem from environmental and lifestyle factors that are unacknowledged or lack solutions within the biomedical model.
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