Environmental Medicine
Imagine opening the door to a home filled with the inviting scent of lavender or vanilla, only to realize that this pleasant aroma might mask a hidden danger. Our go-to spray and plug-in products, those little guardians of freshness, could be silently polluting our indoor sanctuary with an array of chemicals like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), phthalates, and synthetic fragrances.
Read MoreIt’s called the Active Denial System (ADS). The Joint Intermediate Force Capabilities Office of the U.S. Department of Defense Non-Lethal Weapons Program investigated the ADS for deployment for crowd control by aiming a “man-sized (1.5 m) beam of millimeter waves (not microwaves) at a range up to 1,000 meters. It will have the same compelling non-lethal effect on all human targets, regardless of size, age and gender.”
Read MoreOur family doesn’t watch much TV, but the Olympics were airing soon and we live far enough out in a rural area that an antenna receives few channels. Satellite or cable TV is excessive for our needs, leaving a streaming service as the only viable option. The challenge then became figuring out which streaming device uses ethernet and does not broadcast radiofrequency electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation.
Read MoreOne bug, one drug—such is the philosophical undercurrent to allopathic medicine. Sometimes that principle works. I suffered for three weeks with pneumonia before the right antibiotic enabled my recovery. Even if the overwhelming majority of microbes that constitute the microbiome and virome support life and diversity, the human body can get overwhelmed when imbalanced. While…
Read MoreDigital meters operate in the radiofrequency (or microwave) band of frequencies that is damaging to human biology. That hasn’t stopped power companies like We Energies from installing smart meters across Wisconsin. It was mid-December when a recorded message informed my family that a new meter would soon be installed on our property.
Read MoreI’m always surprised when thought leaders in mainstream oncology claim uncertainty as to the cause of cancer. The answer is quite straightforward—perhaps not simple, but unambiguous despite the complexity of the factors involved in the etiology of cancer.
Read MoreEvery wall of our new home needed a fresh coat of paint. A dozen gallons of paint later, we moved in without any evidence of off-gassing toxic, cancer-causing chemicals. This is of the utmost importance for our family given my cancer history (with lymphoma, think significant environmental toxicant exposure), and also because my wife is chemically-sensitive and reacts to airborne pollutants.
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