The Contagious Biofield

As any experienced gardener knows, the health of the soil determines the fate of the planted seed. With COVID-19, it is possible that the activity of the virus is not the root cause of illness and death but a proximate cause. A breakdown in the relationship between our health and our relationship with nature is the true reason so many have fallen ill.

COVID vs. Cancer: Reflecting on 2020

History teaches that neither side of any extreme is the sole arbiter of truth. No single political party, religion, or economic model can provide all the answers to all people. Thus, we are left with the uncomfortable yet necessary task of practicing tolerance at a minimum, but ideally putting forth effort to expand one’s intellectual and emotional horizons with informed nuance.

The Cure for the Common Cold?

Cold and flu season is here. Add a pandemic into the mix, and the slightest cough or sniffle results in the sick individual spending several days at home. As this blog has repeatedly pointed out, building resilience in the form of immunity is the ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure in missing work or school.

Yet the coronavirus known as the common cold has eluded a cure for as long as we have been suffering with it. Or has it?

The Promise and Peril of a Coronavirus Vaccine

Will global governments mandate that every citizen be injected with a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2? Does the greater good outweigh the repercussions of introducing an RNA vaccine into the human gene pool? These are serious questions with critical implications for the future of human health and medical freedom.

Environment, Terrain, and Germ: The COVID-19 Story

One bug, one drug—such is the philosophical undercurrent to allopathic medicine. Sometimes that principle works. I suffered for three weeks with pneumonia before the right antibiotic enabled my recovery. Even if the overwhelming majority of microbes that constitute...