
The 10 Commandments & Golden Rule of Health

The 10 Commandments of Health Thou shall trust thy body’s innate ability to heal. Thou shall breathe through thy nose. Thou shall not consume genetically modified foods, conventional wheat, or industrial seed oils. Thou shall not chew, vape, or inhale the smoke of...

Trouble Falling Asleep? Remedying Sleep-Onset Insomnia

The other common deterrent to peaceful slumber is the inability to fall asleep, otherwise known as sleep-onset insomnia. This is a multifactorial problem, chock full of nuance, so realize there may be one or more causes that need to be addressed if you suffer from this type of insomnia.

The Anticancer Lifestyle

It was the first appointment with my patient after her diagnosis of uterine cancer and subsequent total hysterectomy. The prognosis was good: stage 1A with no lymph involvement. During her intake, I inquired if she was ready to adopt an anti-cancer lifestyle following this shake-up. It didn’t take long to recognize that she didn’t have a clear sense of what that involved, save for not using chemical herbicides anymore.

Healing a Lifetime

All healing is an exercise in change. If you want different results, you have to be willing to do something different. Looking over the breadth of a lifetime of destructive choices, sometimes there is much that needs to be done differently.

Breathing Yourself to Better Health

You may not think the mundane act of breathing could be a powerful influencer of health and disease, but there are many instances where a breathing pattern disorder is a major contributing factor to chronic illness. 

The rate, depth, and intensity of respiration all can have a profound effect on the nervous system, which in turn regulates heart rhythm, stress hormone release, and digestive function.