Rethinking Magnesium
Jul 13, 2022
Magnesium is an essential nutrient that you may be lacking. It is a cofactor in hundreds of enzymatic processes in the body, yet many people are completely unaware of the health challenges that can ensue from an insidious deficiency. Let’s explore the need for magnesium, a blood test to evaluate magnesium status, and the best forms of supplementation.
Godspeed Healing a Parkour Knee Injury
Oct 20, 2021
It was an epic fail. The full force of an impact that should have been displaced by two hips, thighs, and legs, was instead taken by only the right lower limb. Limping away, I knew I was out for the night with the full extent of the injury looming as pain radiated from the knee joint.
Magnesium Oil Is a Muscle’s Best Friend
Apr 13, 2017
Magnesium oil is an inexpensive remedy that can effectively treat several health problems associated with magnesium deficiency.
As a topical treatment, transdermal magnesium therapy has a key advantage over the oral form as magnesium is absorbed and utilized in the area of application. Both leg cramps and restless legs are strongly associated with magnesium deficiency and respond favorably and quickly to daily use of magnesium oil.
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