Godspeed Healing a Parkour Knee Injury
Oct 20, 2021
It was an epic fail. The full force of an impact that should have been displaced by two hips, thighs, and legs, was instead taken by only the right lower limb. Limping away, I knew I was out for the night with the full extent of the injury looming as pain radiated from the knee joint.
The Cure for the Common Cold?
Nov 30, 2020
Cold and flu season is here. Add a pandemic into the mix, and the slightest cough or sniffle results in the sick individual spending several days at home. As this blog has repeatedly pointed out, building resilience in the form of immunity is the ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure in missing work or school.
Yet the coronavirus known as the common cold has eluded a cure for as long as we have been suffering with it. Or has it?
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