chinese medicine
The Difference Between Acupuncture and Dry Needling
Sep 14, 2023
As physiotherapists become increasingly enamored with the modality of dry needling, I feel compelled as an acupuncturist to place this therapy within the broader discipline of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in order to give patients a context for understanding its efficacy.
Breathing in Spirit: How to Recognize and Cultivate Inspiration
Dec 18, 2021
Being connected to a universal stream of consciousness may sound as unattainable as it is mystical, but to do so is an inherent feature of a broader spiritual reality we all share. From pre-civilized shamanic peoples to modern spiritual traditions, the same theme has echoed across millennia—we are not human beings having spiritual experiences but spiritual beings having human experiences.
Getting the Correct Diagnoses—All of Them
Feb 11, 2019
I have great reverence for the scientific method and one of its beneficiaries, conventional Western medicine (immunotherapy played a role in my cancer journey). Yet conventional medicine sometimes fails to address the whole person—body, mind, spirit—through its reductionist lens. For that piece of the healing puzzle, many turn to practitioners of holistic medicine, such as naturopathy and Chinese medicine.
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